Using Help

  • How do I sign up with China Daily Website?

    1. Click Sign in displayed at the top of the homepage.

    2. Select register and follow the steps to complete your profile.

    3. Read service conditions and terms, and if you agree with them, click yes to "apply for a China Daily user account". If you don't receive a validation code, please click again.

    4. When all required information is completed, your registration with China Daily Website is done.And you become a registered user of China Daily Website.

    5. If there is a problem in the registration process, please contact tech team or customer service team.

    * Tips:

    (1)Please provide valid email address or mobile phone number. We will use it only to send you new password in case you forget the original password. If valid email address or phone number is not provided, then you will have to apply for a new account.

    (2)After the registration process is completed, it is recommended to complete your personal profile and enhance account security.

  • How do I validate my account via email?

    1. If you did not add an email at the time of registration, you can update one after registration.

    2. Click "Add Email" link on the profile or security setting after logging in.

    3. Enter email validation page and follow the steps to complete the information.

    4. Click "Add Email" after you get a validation code. If you do not receive the code, please click again.

    5. When all steps are completed, your new email address will be added.

    6. If all the above don't work, please contact the tech team or customer service team.

  • How do I validate my mobile phone number?

    1. If you did not add mobile phone number at the time of registration, you can update it after logging in.

    2. Log into China Daily Website, and click profile or security setting webpage. Click Add Mobile Phone Number link to add mobile phone number.

    3. Enter mobile phone number validation webpage and follow the steps.

    4. Click Add Mobile Phone Number after getting validation code. If you do not receive the code, click again.

    5. When all the information is completed, the phone number will be added.

    6. If all the above don't work, please contact the tech team or customer service team.

  • How do I get new password?

    1. On China Daily Website log-in page, click Password Lost? link to enter find password page.

    2. Enter your China Daily account name and validation code.

    3. Select an option to find password and get a validation code. Enter the code and click Next Step to reset password.

    4. If all the above don't work, please contact the tech team or customer service team.

  • How do I change password?

    1. Log into China Daily Website.

    2. Click Edit Password link on the homepage.

    3. Follow the steps to change the password.

    4. If all the above don't work, please contact the tech team or customer service team.